Friday, May 27, 2016

Topic 8: How Can I Recognize Her Good Qualities?

     Welcome back everybody! I hope that all is going well for you. With all sincerity though, each of you matter to me. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. If at any time you have a request for a topic feel free to ask. I can alter my posts if you would like!

     Today's topic relates closely to topic 5: Why did I pick this one? Today's topic is: How can I recognize her good qualities?  I know for sure that marriage is not the easiest thing in the world. In fact, it's probably one of the hardest! Time goes by, along with life events, and you change. She changes. What's important really truly is that you take the time and make the effort to see the good in each other through those changes.

     The question is how, how do you see the good in your spouse when they are so different from the person that you married? I think that the answer lies within the idea of one word. Perspective. The reality is, if you expect your spouse to never change, you will be disappointed. We all change over time! With new experiences comes new knowledge which leads to a new way of thinking and ultimately, a new way of being. Understand that, don't try and be the same forever. Don't expect your spouse to do the same. What you should expect however, is change! As change occurs think about what you love about your spouse. It may or may not be different from something that you loved about them when you started your relationship.

     The point is to love the change. Accept that and then move past it. Focus on the good in your spouse. The key to recognizing a persons good qualities is to make a conscious effort to review the things that you like about them. Think about the little things that make you smile. Ask yourself, what do I like about my spouse? Be serious about it. If you don't think about what you enjoy about your spouse how do you plan to keep your relationship happy? Write down your thoughts in answer to these questions if you feel inclined to.

     The flip side to that is don't focus on the negative. Everybody has something negative about them (except me, but really). The only thing that comes from focusing on the bad things are bad feelings. Negatives are to be talked about and resolved. Positives are to be admired and embraced. That is what is important in seeing the good in anybody, especially the person that you spend all of your time with.

So when you find yourself asking, what good qualities does my spouse even have? Read this post, hopefully it can help you figure out how to answer that question.

Thanks for being part of this post! Let me know what you think!

Remember, happiness starts in YOUR home.

 Don't mind my goofy smile :)

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