Thank you for helping me to have the motivation to write in this blog. It really is something important to me, every time you read I feel a boost of desire to write more.
Anxiety and anxiety attacks, if you or your wife haven't felt both then you have likely felt at least one. I myself am rarely a victim of anxiety because things just don't get to me. They do get to my amazing wife though, she feels anxiety frequently and sometimes in the form of an attack.
I am in no way perfect at calming her, but I have learned some ways that I can help her to calm down.
Let's talk first about what NOT to do. Primarily, don't lose your patience. Your spouse needs you to have calming energy. Irritation, anger, and being impatient will not help in any way. As a matter of fact it will likely make the situation worse.
Now, here are some things that I do to uplift my wife when she is feeling anxiety.
The number one thing is to hold her close, she needs to feel that you are there for her. Next, I try and take long and deep breaths to help her feel a sense of calm, I also will ask her to breath with me to focus on something outside of her mind. After that I help her break down what it is that is causing her duress. If she has a huge list of things to do or not enough time to do the things that she needs we will break it down into a step-by-step process.
For example, if she has 5 minutes to brush her teeth and make her bed I will tell her that realistically it will take around one minute and thirty seconds to brush her teeth. Which leaves three and a half minutes to make the bed, which is more time than it will take to complete that task.
Helping her to not feel overwhelmed is the only thing that helps, whatever you need to do to relieve the pressure will be successful. I will often get Brandi's list of things to do and assign myself some of the things to help her feel less burdened.
It is a simple concept, just remember to be positive and help your spouse to feel that positivity. Those are some of the ways that I help my spouse to have a grip on her anxiety.
Our next post will be up tomorrow, it will cover a similar topic, panic attacks.
If this was helpful or if you have any suggestions please comment, I would love some additional advice. Have a great day! Keep in mind, happiness starts in YOUR home!
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